Cleaning Protocols | Riverside Inn & Suites
During these challenging times with the COVID-19 Pandemic, we deem it essential to implement new sanitation guidelines and processes at our hotel in order to provide as safe an environment as possible for our guests and associates.
Here are some measures we have implemented to work towards a more sanitary and safe experience, for all:
- Housekeeping staff is to wear masks and maintain social distance except for instances when handing a guest items
The housekeeping staff have been trained to look at the guest rooms differently and clean all of the areas that are touched regularly with disinfectant:
- Door jams, the sides of doors (just above the handle)
- Remote controls
- Sides of shower curtains
- Tops of headboards
- Electric sockets and around charging stations
- Chair frames
- Showerheads
- Shower valves – (even behind the valve handles)
- Hair dryers - the body, plug, and cord
We have also implemented processes to clean the areas that most people touch without thought and out of habit:
- Sanitize vending machines
- Disinfect in-room telephones.
- Master keys are sanitized daily.

- we will check-in guests through our night window to prevent spread inside the lobby